Simple French Inspired Dinner Party Tips

French Inspired Dinner Party

What is it that sets a French Dinner Party at the top of many wish lists? Immediately you may believe it would be the food, though not necessarily so. Because no two dinner parties are alike, the experience speaks for itself! So, would you like to create your very own French-inspired dinner party this holiday season? With a few tips and a simple plan, you’ll share the words bon Appetit!


  1. Choose a menu that allows you to prepare before your guests arrive
  2. Shop farm to table no trend; it is a way of life, simple and chic
  3. A chic table is a scape that exemplifies effortless beauty
  4. Use fresh flowers from your garden if unavailable, choose from your local florist or market, make your bouquet small, and put it together using what you have at home, whether it’s a bottle or container, make it simple, and it becomes chic!
  5. A favorite is to start with table linen (I prefer white). Easy to clean.
  6. Add anything as your POC (Pop of Color), napkin, flowers, a ribbon down the center of the table. Keep it simple!
  7. The best dinner party consists of 10 to 12 guests and, most importantly, choose people from different groups of friends and different walks of life, this keeps the interest high and the conversation rich.
  8. A French dinner party guests are people from different professions, ages, and interests. This mix keeps the party exciting and full of new conversations and experiences.


  1. What is(Aperitif)? – A French aperitif contains small bites accompanied almost always by Champagne. An Aperitif teases the senses to ready guests for the main course, which means not moving from hungry to full!
  2. Keep your guests hungry! Don’t overdo the small bites. Less is more! One mistake made is preparing too much, because guests will eat what you serve, and if it is too much, they won’t enjoy the fantastic simple meal you’ve prepared.
Photo Credit Lindrik


Kir Royale is a traditional French favorite, made with Champagne or sparkling white wine mixed with Crème de Cassis. Another French Favorite is the Apero Spritz, a mix of Apero, Perrier and, Champagne.

What to Serve:

  1. Your French Inspired main course is simple and good, never fussy, and you always serve wine and water with dinner. Not a time to over impress with a one-of-a-kind bottle of wine. Choose red and white wines that are good everyday wines that compliment your meal.
  2. Prepare as much as possible beforehand, not a time for new recipes. Do what you know well.
  3. Choose a dessert that is your signature. Homemade is best, and store-bought is acceptable.


  1.  Greet everyone with a smile! A pleasant greeting sets the tone for the evening. Overwhelmed, Please don’t show it; you are the host and must enjoy the time with friends to set the tone, so all guests enjoy the dinner party!
  2. As people arrive, don’t wait for the latecomers to serve the small bites and Champagne; start immediately with your very first guest.
  3. Play relaxing music, I suggest a “French Cooking” Playlist.
  4. Focus on enjoying your guest and keeping the conversation going
  5. Be the host everyone connects with and enjoy the dinner party because you are not overwhelmed in the kitchen.

Don't overthink or underestimate yourself:

You can hold an inspiring dinner party and create an experience like none other because it is you, simply Chic YOU!

bonCOOK would love to hear from you, comment on your dinner party, or share your love of cooking where it counts, at your table where you cook to gather and gather to cook!
Cheers to your success!

Cindy Juncaj
Partner, bon COOK