What’s your partnership culture?

With a contemporary recipe for building business partnership, I share how bon COOK has created a collaboration with our leaders and Sales Consultants that shifts beyond digital and throws the corporate attitude of us vs. them out the window!

Gain cooking confidence with our top leaders who grace the pages of our catalog with the taste and flavor of the recipes they prepared after a special invitation to our bon COOk kitchen. We asked, they responded to partner with us and then created what they believe every customer needs and wants available to them through bon COOK. To our Customers, Hosts, and Fans, your voice is heard loud and clear! A dream come true to see this partnership and continuity come alive in our bon COOK kitchen as we meshed our consultants’ knowledge and talent in our quest to create the very best.

Bon Cook is not just a cooking business. It is a business of respect for the relationships we create through our cooking and business-building partnership with our bon COOK consultants, clients who host cooking classes and, all customers!

Today you can reach anyone anywhere in the world in a nanosecond and feel for a moment that you’ve connected, but on what level can we consider that connection? We believe nothing replaces the gathering of people, the laughter of a friend, or the bond built with others.

Even though modern life is rapidly taking hold, we still believe the kitchen is the place to build on what we love, family, friends, and experiences that bring out the best in each other and cement our core relationships.
Be inspired with every recipe achieved, and join us today in our bon COOK community, in the kitchen where gathering and taste meet!

Cheers to Building a Culture of Partnership!

Cindy Juncaj
CEO & Partner

Photo from top left: Stephanie Murphy, Nicole Schorr, Melissa Edwards, Kari Martens, Teresa Fewel, Cindy Juncaj, Michele Jenkins

Photo Credit: James Wallace, SALT PHOTOGRAPHY